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to improve your present choices.
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OpenEconomics supports institutions and companies
in designing investment policies and projects and in the integration of public and private capital to support the energy transition and inclusive development.
Our Specialties
Impact Analysis
The importance of the Impact Analysis (IA) lies in its ability to estimate the economic, social and environmental effects that can be potentially determined by a policy or spending program. IA ranks among the most accurate methods of assessing the so-called “externalities”. It allows to estimate the direct, indirect and induced impacts generated by changes in the regulatory framework and/or by the implementation of an investment project. In this respect IA extends cost benefit analysis and computable general equilibrium assessments to environmental and social variables and to a large number of additional externalities, including the provision of services from natural and human capital.
years of cumulated team experience
projects managed
Bn €300+
of investments evaluated
Sustainable Finance
Externalytics supports legislators and investors in simulating decision-making scenarios and impacts.
The OpenEconomics platform provides tools for the analysis of policy impact, with special emphasis on the evaluation of externalities.
The evaluation is performed and presented within a robust and comprehensive analytical framework for evaluating investments and political interventions on environmental quality, economic performance and social equity.
years of cumulated team experience
projects managed
Bn €10+
of investments evaluated
Your choices count
Externalytics supports legislators and investors in simulating decision-making scenarios and impacts, by means of ESG rating, SROI and impact analysis models.
Externalytics supports legislators and investors in simulating decision-making scenarios and impacts.
The OpenEconomics platform provides tools for the analysis of policy impact, with special emphasis on the evaluation of externalities. The evaluation is performed and presented within a robust and comprehensive analytical framework for evaluating investments and political interventions on environmental quality, economic performance and social equity.
Latest Updates
- PNRR, nuova governance, semplificazione e attuazioneNovità per l’attuazione del Piano nazionale di ripresa e resilienza. Il 16 marzo è stato approvato in Consiglio dei Ministri un nuovo decreto che introduce importanti modifiche – rispetto a quanto previsto dal decreto-legge n.77 del 2021 – sia nella governance, nelle procedure di attuazione, nel rafforzamento della capacità amministrativa, nello snellimento delle procedure necessarie […]
- Idrogeno, bandi MASE per settori hard to abateIl ministero dell’Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica seleziona i progetti che, nei settori industriali in cui è più difficile abbattere le emissioni, prevedano la sostituzione di combustibili fossili con idrogeno a basso contenuto di carbonio. È disponibile sul sito del MASE, nell’ambito dell’investimento del PNRR ‘Utilizzo dell’idrogeno in settori hard-to-abate’ (Misura M2C2 – Investimento 3.2) […]
- Presentata a Roma la Piattaforma DELTA di IcsPresentata la Piattaforma Delta dell’Istituto per il Credito Sportivo che permetterà di combinare l’analisi economico-finanziaria dei progetti con la misurazione del Social Return on Investment (SROI). Strumento nato grazie alla collaborazione con OpenEconomics. La misurazione del rating ESG e dello SROI sarà applicata a tutte le domande di finanziamento integrando i fattori non finanziari nelle […]
Republika Philipinas
Istituto per il credito sportivo
ASG Superconductors
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